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Eho Altissa Altix II (seconde version)
France Version française
Photos by JM text by JM. From the collection of JM. Last update 2014-01-22 par Sylvain Halgand.

Manufactured or assembled in Germany (Former GDR) from 1948 to (Circa) 1950.
Index of rarity in France: Infrequent (among non-specialized garage sales)
Inventory number: 4965

See the complete technical specifications

Chronology of cameras Eho Altissa 

This small format Altix II , manufactured in Dresden during the immediate post-war period, is the second version of this model Altix II , according to the German website Altissa Museum.
However, the McKeown guide (12th edition) and other sources call it Altix III .

It takes 24 x 24 mm negatives on 135 film. Its central shutter goes up to 1/ 150 and does not offer slow speeds .
To facilitate the introduction of the film, which is done as in a Leica , a releasing component lifts giving access to the central winding row. This is quite similar to what Leica ( again) offered from the M3.

The objective of brand ROW is a wide-angle 3.5 cm Tegonar Syst . Laack opening at f : 3.5 .
The camera is equipped with two flash sync contacts but no hot shoe for flash or accessory.

On the back, on the panel, a comprehensive table shows the depths of field values. Finally, the baseplate incorporates two tripod threaded sockets conforming to the two standard formats.
Like most Altix devices manufactured in the former GDR , it shows a certain seriousness and quality.
Historical notes :
EHO Altissa -Camera- Werk , independent workshops from 1946 ( year of the reboot) to 1952, where they were nationalized, was not yet part of VEB Pentacon conglomerate at that time ( merging with VEB Pentacon in 1953 ) .
Source: Der WEB Pentacon Dresden , Dresdner Geschichte der Kamera -und nach Kinoindustrie 1945 Gerhard Jehmlich , Sandstein Verlag , Dresden , 2009

Eho Altissa Altix II

Cameras from Ebay France (Eho Altissa) (Uploaded each 3 hours)